
  • Reduction in dystonia and overall rigidity - Jan2018

    We now move onto the progress of another girl from Penang Foundation Class, which teaches standard exercise to the parents so that they can do the exercise on their child affected by Cerebral Palsy.

    Unlike the family of A from Malaysia, this girl's parents managed much less hours.  Within the span of 15 months (from Nov 2016 to Jan 2018), they only managed 24 hours of tapping, 24 hours of torso wrap and 6 hours of hands and feet.  Obviously the working hours are big constraints because both parents work full time and have no helpers.  However, despite the relatively poor hours, F shows impressive results from the exercise.  

    We want to celebrate with the parents for what they have done.  On the other hand, we encourage them to press on for greater results in the near future.  They are encouraged to look for opportunity for more hours as follows:

    1. weekends and holidays
    2. 10 to 15 mins as small chunk of opportunity -  ABR results are from the cumulation of hours.  Hence opportunity chunks of 10 to 15 mins can quickly accumulate to sizable bulk of hours.  
    3. Start exploring doing the power wrap for one area or more, depending on the child's tolerance, during the night time.  It takes 5 to 15 mins to wrap (depending on the area) and if the child sleeps with the wrap, it would have easily gained another 8 to 10 hours of mechanical stimulation within the uniform tension of the power wrap.  

    She has gained an impressive amount of weight and size.  Her weight gain of 3.2kg over the 1.5 year is great.  We will see later the increase of her size in the before and after pictures.  

    First we want to look at the impressive reduction of her global spasticity and stiffness of the entire body.   In that sense, because the spasticity is so global, it rightfully belongs to dystonia reduction.  

              2018 06 29 173329


              head flexion Nov16  2018 06 30 024715


              head flexion Jan18  2018 06 30 024340